The Federal Trade Commission Charges Four Companies With Weight Loss Fraud

Fat-loss superfoods that really work

Those four companies happen to be; Sensa, LeanSpa, HGC Diet Direct and L’Occitane. Finally, someone else besides the public sees that sprinkling powder on your food, putting drops in your mouth and creams that ‘significantly slim your thighs and buttocks’ isn’t real, just a ploy to get at desperate people who want to lose weight quickly and empty their wallet just as quickly. Earlier this month, the Federal Trade Commission charged these four companies with deception regarding their marketing tactics by making ‘unfounded promises’ and all will collectively repay their customers a total of 3.4 million dollars in repayments. The case is part of a broader crackdown on companies that the government says peddle fad weight-loss products. Linda Goldstein, the garcinia cambogia extract chairwoman of the advertising and marketing division at the law firm Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, said the settlements made clear that the commission would accept only double-blind, placebo-controlled studies to document the medical effectiveness of diet regimes.
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7 Fat Loss Superfoods That Live Up to Their Hype

Here’s a list of nutrient-rich food items that are beneficial to the body Coconut milk: The healthy saturated fat in coconut comes from medium-chain triglycerides, a fatty acid your body prefers to burn rather than store. Raspberries: Blueberries hog the spotlight, but raspberries are actually higher in fibre. One cup provides a whopping 8 grams. Experts say you probably get about half the fibre you should, and on a lower-carbohydrate diet, even less.
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Polarization, identity and clash of cultures over food security in the stone age.

6. Raw walnuts. Almonds get all the credit, but walnuts are a smart nut alternative to curb hunger and cravings. Besides protein, fiber, minerals and other nutrients, walnuts have a high amount of omega-3s compared with other nuts .
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